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The majority of formal shoes are either black or brown. There’s good reason for this; shoes in these colours are appropriate to pair with a wide range of outfits for just about any event. Though more unusually coloured shoes may come in and out of fashion, classic black and brown shoes are always a wardrobe staple.
Most gentlemen have a selection of black and brown shoes at their disposal. But how can you choose between them? Personal preference is obviously key here, but is there a rule for knowing whether black leather or brown leather will be more useful?
Which leather is more versatile; black or brown?
The case for black leather
Traditionally, black leather shoes were considered the most formal. Gentlemen were expected to wear black shoes for evening events, never brown. Though these types of etiquette rules have long been relaxed, it’s still far more usual to wear black shoes with a dinner suit.
Black shoes also work well with suits and most smart/casual ensembles. They work well with black, grey and navy suits.
The case for brown leather
Brown leather shoes may traditionally have been seen as less formal than black, but it’s unlikely that anyone nowadays would frown at you for wearing them to a dinner event! Brown shoes can be just as smart as black ones, and they look equally as stylish with jeans as they do with a suit.
Brown shoes work well with navy, brown and beige suits.
So which is more versatile?
Can we cheat here? The real answer for the most versatile solution here would be a pair of each! Failing that, it depends which colours you wear most.
If you’re more drawn to black and grey trousers, black leather shoes are likely to be more useful. If you prefer navy and beige, we suggest brown leather shoes might get more wear.
Can’t decide either? Why not pay a visit to our online catalogue and see which colour most appeals to you?